"What Class Champion Weapons are worth making?" is one of the recurring questions I hear often, so let's tackle that one today.
Before we begin, an important thing to keep in mind is that CCWs do not include any statistical modifiers - all of their skills are entirely focused on modifying how the class works.
This means that using a CCW at all has the opportunity cost of essentially playing with one fewer weapon in your grid. As the skills present in the weapon have to offset the statistical loss, it makes it so even if a CCW has potential to be decent, the bar is set very high, and will continue to rise as we get better and better weapon options.
In short, to be usable, a CCW can't just be good, it has to either be great, or offer a very specific feature you can't find otherwise. As you'll see, the great majority of them fit neither bill.
"S Tier" in this context is "the best option you can have for this class".
Undoubtedly the most popular CCW, it doesn't need much introduction. If you're going to play Kengo at all, you'll always use one of these. The improved charge attack potential is just unmatched. The only exception being if you own one of the 150 moon upgrade options, Shishio or Higurashi.
Emblems: Devilry for any charge attack build. Divinity can be an alternative fast burst option for Light alongside the Triple Strike skill and Florence.
"A Tier" in this context is "a very solid choice for this class, often the best, but not always".
Kanabo substantially buffs the amount of damage Mantra deals every turn. It can also see some use as an OTK mainhand option alongside Splitting Spirit (for 1 button with Eternals) or a charge bar providing character such as Ferry (Light).
Kanabo is best served in elements where the value of a skill damage hit is amplified - namely those that tend to run skill supplement in their grids. For f2p, this would be Wind and Dark. In elements where Monk is chosen for its counter potential or that you don't have access to skill-supp in, there's often better options.
I debated a bit on where to put this one. Tormentor is not a popular class due to its resource consumption and emphasis on manual play.
Generally you only resort to Tormentor at all for high level solo content, in which Devil's Finger shines, as it significantly upgrades how much and how often you can use your gear. I won't go into too detail here, as if you're looking to play Tormentor in the first place, you likely have a specific goal in mind.